Parole in Louisiana allows a person to finish their sentence while under the supervision of the Department of Corrections, Division of Probation and Parole.
View the processThe Board of Pardons and Committee on Parole meet at the Department of Corrections (DPS&C) Headquarters Complex, Building 6, First Floor, located at 504 Mayflower St., Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70802. The main parking lot is at 703 South Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA 70802.
Headquarters Map
Google Maps Link
Pardon and parole hearings are open to the public. The hearings are conducted using Zoom video conferencing, which allows members of the public to observe and comment. The hearings are also streamed live on YouTube.
You may participate in the hearing process through Zoom video conferencing on a PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android device or in person at DPS&C Headquarters. Please see below on how to attend the hearings through Zoom. Individuals interested in attending the hearings should arrive 30 minutes before the start time and report to the security office for processing. All visitors are subject to search. Personal items, including handbags, cell phones, laptops, tablets, smartwatches, weapons, and contraband, are prohibited on the premises.
Children under 12 will not be allowed to attend any public Board of Pardons and Committee on Parole meeting/hearing. The only exception is if the child is the victim and chooses to appear. Due to security concerns, the number of people allowed in the room during the hearing will be limited to 10 individuals in support and 10 individuals in opposition. For individuals who require special needs assistance, please contact board staff at (225) 342-6622.
To participate through Zoom: Instructions on creating a Zoom account
If an individual chooses not to participate using Zoom or in person, the board will accept a detailed letter stating their position regarding the applicant’s request for parole. We ask that documentation be submitted at least two (2) weeks before the scheduled hearing date so the board has sufficient time to review the documents.
Mailing address: Email:
Board of Pardons & Committee on Parole ParoleBoard@LA.GOV
P.O. Box 94304
Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9304
Clemency Hearing
The Board of Pardons meets on regularly scheduled dates, generally once per month, to review and act on pardon and commutation of sentence (CTO) applications. Please refer to Board Policies for more specific information regarding clemency hearings.
Parole Hearing
An incarcerated individual whose sentence carries the possibility of parole has the right to appear before the Committee on Parole at some point during his or her sentence to determine whether parole will be granted. Parole hearings are generally scheduled within nine months of the person’s parole eligibility date.
Parole Rehearing
If an incarcerated individual’s parole hearing is denied, they will be advised of the reason(s) for denial. The individual will have the opportunity to reapply for a hearing at the time they are eligible to do so.
Type of Crime | Request for Rehearing
Parole Reconsideration
An incarcerated individual may request that the Board reconsider their decision to deny parole as described in Board Policy. However, this process does not establish a formal appeal process, as parole is an administrative discretionary decision not subject to appeal. Applications for reconsideration must meet the criteria outlines in Board Policy 07-705.
Parole Violations
When a person on parole is alleged to have violated the terms or conditions of the parole supervision agreement, the Division of Probation and Parole may request that the Board issue a warrant for the parolee’s arrest and return to incarceration. If it has been alleged that a parolee has violated the conditions of parole and has been returned to custody, then he or she has the right to be heard at a preliminary hearing. This hearing, which is conducted by an independent hearing officer and the supervising Probation and Parole officer, is held as soon as possible after a warrant is executed.
At the preliminary hearing, the parolee can be represented by an attorney of their choice and at the expense of the parolee. The person on parole has the right to offer pleas (guilty or not guilty) to the parole violation allegations. After he or she enters a plea, the hearing official may take testimony from the person’s parole agent, the person on parole, and other officials as to disposition. A summary of this hearing is then forwarded to the Committee on Parole for consideration and decision.
If a revocation hearing is scheduled, the person on parole can be represented by an attorney of choice at the person on parole’s expense. In rare circumstances, the Board may appoint an attorney to represent a person on parole during a revocation hearing. The person on parole has a right to present evidence to support any not guilty plea specific to a violation. Generally, the Committee on Parole will render a decision on the parole violation at the conclusion of the revocation proceeding. The person on parole will be notified verbally and in writing of the decision and the reason for that decision.
Parole Case Special Attention
At any time during a person’s parole supervision, the Parole Board may review his or her case. The review may be the result of recommendations from parole agents, a request from the person on parole, or occasionally from an outside source. In any case, new information must be presented which has not been considered at the last review of the Parole Board. This type of review can be either an administrative review of the file or a personal appearance hearing.
Act 714 of the 2012 Legislative Session, which became effective August 1, 2012, merged the duties, functions, and powers of the Board of Pardons with that of the Board of Parole, creating a Committee on Parole. Act 714 also expanded the membership of the Board of Pardons from five members to seven, with the additional two members serving at-large only on the Committee on Parole and who do not serve as a member of the Board of Pardons.
All members of the Board are appointed by the governor and are subject to confirmation by the Louisiana Senate. There are five members of the Board of Pardons. The Committee on Parole, a committee within the Board of Pardons, is composed of the five members of the Board of Pardons, and two at-large members appointed by the governor. The at-large members serve only as members of the Committee on Parole and do not serve as members of the Board of Pardons.
In addition to the appointed members, there is an ex-officio member of the Board. The warden, or in his absence the deputy warden, of the correctional facility in which the imprisoned person is incarcerated serves as the ex-officio member. The ex-officio member is not a voting member nor is he or she counted for the purposes of the members necessary to take Board action.
Members appointed by the governor must have at least five years of experience in the field of penology, corrections, law enforcement, sociology, law, education, social work, medicine, or a combination thereof. Appointed members also are required to complete a comprehensive orientation training program within 90 days of their appointment and eight hours of in-service training annually. Training components include, but are not limited to, the elements of the decision making process through the use of evidence-based practices for determining the risk, needs, and motivation to change; dynamics of criminal victimization; security classifications of people in prison or under community supervision.
All of the Board’s recommendations for clemency are forwarded to the governor for final action. There are no time limits within which the governor must take action on any recommendation for favorable consideration by the Board of Pardons. However, the Committee on Parole is the sole authority for granting parole in Louisiana.
To serve the citizens of Louisiana through informed decision making, thereby promoting public safety, addressing the needs of crime victims, and to facilitate successful reentry for returning residents who have appropriately prepared for community supervision.
The Louisiana Board of Pardons and Committee on Parole, guided by evidence based principles, shall:
We value Ethics, Integrity, Equity, and Innovation.
Sheryl Ranatza retired from the Louisiana Department of Public Safety & Corrections in 2011 after serving over 30 years in DPS&C. She served in various management positions throughout the Department, including Deputy Warden for Operations at Louisiana State Penitentiary. When she retired, she held the position of DPS&C Deputy Secretary. Sheryl Ranatza was the first female in Louisiana to become a Certified Corrections Executive by the American Correctional Association and is a member of several corrections-affiliated organizations. She has served as Chairman of the Board since 2012.
Steve Prator was with the Shreveport Police Department for 19 years, working patrol, detectives, and narcotics before being appointed chief of police, a position he held for over eight years. He was then elected Sheriff of Caddo Parish. He held that office for six terms, during which time he served on the Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement and was the Chairman of the Police Officer Standards and Training Council. Mr. Prator is a graduate of LSU-Shreveport and the FBI National Executive Institute. He also is a proud member of the Louisiana Law Enforcement Hall of Fame.
Curtis “Pete” Fremin is the former Director of Probation and Parole at the Department of Corrections and has 35 years of experience in Louisiana state government. In the past, he served as President of the Louisiana Probation and Parole Association, a State Representative of the Southern States Correctional Association, and the Interstate Compact Commissioner for Louisiana. Mr. Fremin is also an LSU alumnus, and he received his Bachelor of Sciences degree in 1983.
Chucky Tillis is a graduate of Southern University in Baton Rouge and served over 30 years as President of Oilfield and Plant Maintenance, Inc. For the past 15 years, he selflessly dedicated himself to prison ministry. His work serving and ministering to the inmates at Louisiana State Penitentiary reflects a deep understanding of the challenges faced by those who are incarcerated. He also has served as a director at the Louisiana Leadership Institute, shaping young minds in the Greater Baton Rouge area.
Carolyn Stapleton retired from the East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Office in 2014 with over two decades of experience in Crime Victim Assistance Services. During her tenure as the EBR Crime Victims Assistance Division director, she was awarded the National Sheriff’s Association’s Award for Crime Victims Services and the National Crime Victims’ Rights Week Community Awareness Grant. Since her retirement, Ms. Stapleton has served in various capacities in victims’ services, including a position with the 16th Judicial District Attorney. She also served on the Crime Victims Reparation Board, representing the 6th Congressional District under the administration of Governor Bobby Jindal and Governor John Bel Edwards.
Jerrie LeDoux is returning to the Committee on Parole after serving five years under a previous administration. She took advantage of multiple Association of Parole Authority International training events. During her tenure on the Board, she earned her M.S. in Communication from the University of Louisiana Lafayette, where she wrote her qualitative thesis on Stakeholder Theory in Medical Parole Reform. Recently, she has served seven years as a congressional liaison for the United States House of Representatives speaker.
Daniel Barras is a former Probation and Parole Supervisor with 37 ½ years of experience in Probation and Parole. He began his career with Probation and Parole in 1986 when he was hired as a field agent and worked as a specialist and supervisor until his retirement in 2018. Previously, he served as President, Vice-President, Sergeant-at-Arms, Board Member, and Legislative Liaison of the Louisiana Probation & Parole Officers Association. Mr. Barras is also a University of Southwestern Louisiana alumni and received his Bachelor’s degree in Business Management in 1983.
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 94304
Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9304
Physical Address:
504 Mayflower St., Bldg. 6
Baton Rouge, LA 70802
Phone: (225) 342-6622
Fax: (225) 342-2289
Louisiana Victim Outreach Program (LAVO): (888) 342-6110
Francis Abbott – Executive Director
(225) 342-6624
Whitney Troxclair – Executive Management Officer
(225) 342-9692
Karla Williams – Program Director
(225) 342-5424
Chiquita McQuirter – Pardon Program Manager
(225) 342-5422
Sharee Owens – Parole Program Manager
(225) 342-9191
Betty Williams – Parole Revocations
(225) 342-6623
Parole Violations and Warrants
(225) 342-0220
Paige Grow – Parole Docket Preparation
(225) 342-0220
Parole Docket Preparation
(225) 342-6625
Ikechukwu “John” Odo – Pardon Docket Preparation
(225) 342-5421
Jeanine Daggs – Post Hearing Processing
(225) 342-6550
Markell Lewis – Pre-Parole Investigative Specialist
(225) 342-3448
Gail Guerin – Louisiana Victim Outreach Program Director
(225) 342-6541
D’Anna Lawton – Louisiana Victim Outreach Program Administrative Specialist
(225) 342-1056
Sherron Blake – Louisiana Victim Outreach Program Consultant
(225) 342-6540
Phyllis Wright – Louisiana Victim Program Outreach Consultant
(225) 219-1384